Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great Place to order French children's books!

If you are looking to order some French children books, I highly recommend French Books Online.  They have fabulous customer service and the books are shipped and received on time.  I have had 2 successful orders.  Shipping is free if you order more than 2 books and they always send you a coupon for your next purchase.  I personally think their prices are fair (if may find cheaper books on but with international shipping and the US to Euro exchange it comes out to be a lot cheaper).   I recently emailed them to see if they carried a few books I was looking for and did not find on their website.  They replied very quickly and were able to order most of the books.  In addition, to thank me for providing them with a list of recommended books, they gave me a lifetime coupon of 15% off!  Great customer service.  If there is a book you can't find on their website, feel free to email them and they might be able to order it for you.  They do not carry books from the publishers like  Fleurus, Hachette or Nathan, however, they can get any book from Gallimard, Bayard, Seuil, Casterman, EDL and others.


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